Beginning F# 4.0

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Beginning F# 4.0

Beginning F# 4.0

Beginning F# 4.0

Free Download Beginning F# 4.0

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Beginning F# 4.0

This book is a great foundation for exploring functional-first programming and its role in the future of application development. The best-selling introduction to F#, now thoroughly updated to version 4.0, will help you learn the language and explore its new features.

F# 4.0 is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language which empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable and robust code. F# is also a fully supported language in Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio. Other tools supporting F# development include Emacs, MonoDevelop, Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Vim.

Beginning F#4.0 has been thoroughly updated to help you explore the new features of the language including:

Reviewed by Don Syme, the chief architect of F# at Microsoft Research, Beginning F#4.0 is a great foundation for exploring functional programming and its role in the future of application development.

Product details

Paperback: 309 pages

Publisher: Apress; 2nd ed. edition (May 3, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1484213750

ISBN-13: 978-1484213759

Product Dimensions:

7 x 0.8 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#683,176 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I really wanted to like this book, but by the time I reached the end of the 3rd chapter I had given up. I am an intelligent person with 30 years in software development, using many modern tools and languages so the problem is not that I am some "dummy" that can't read between the lines a little. Here are my complaints:1. The Kindle formatting was awful. The bulk of the text appears bold, which is hard to look at. Line spacing between examples and body text is messed up and often non-existent, making it hard to tell sample text from body text. Code comments appear above the line and in the same font as the code itself, cluttering up the examples even more2. There doesn't seem to be any logical progression in topic ordering. If this is a beginning book, it should start with the basics and slowly build, but it doesn't. This problem is also related to the next problem, which is actually the worst of all:3. Terms and syntax are used before they are explained. I lost track of how many times (in the 3rd chapter) I was totally puzzled by an example because it used syntax that hadn't been described yet, or it showed cryptic output from F# whose meaning was not clear and not explained. Again, if this is a beginner book, you have to explain things before using them. A fairly early example solved a problem by using a discriminated unions inside a method with absolutely no explanation of what a discriminated union even was. I would not have know myself what I was looking at had I not already had some exposure to F#.

It's a very good introductory all-around book on F#.

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Beginning F# 4.0 PDF

Beginning F# 4.0
