Object-Oriented Design By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon

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Object-Oriented Design
 By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon

Object-Oriented Design By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon

Object-Oriented Design
 By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon

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Object-Oriented Design
 By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon

  • Sales Rank: #184262 in Books
  • Color: White
  • Published on: 1991-06-27
  • Format: Facsimile
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.70" h x .70" w x 6.00" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 197 pages

From the Publisher
This exploration of OOD builds upon three consistently employed methods of organization -- objects and attributes, whiles and parts, and classes and members.

From the Back Cover
Designed as a companion volume to the acclaimed Object- Oriented Analysis, this book focuses on the middle part of the software lifecycle: the activitiy of design. It shows readers how to apply object-oriented design, and how to tailor and expand the method to suit specific organization and project needs. Readers will explore the major issues in OOD; the role of OOD in the systems lifecycle; how to use graphical notation; strategies for creating design; and hints for evaluating the efficiency of a design created with OOD. For software engineers and other users undertaking real-world systems development projects and designing overall software architecture for systems will find this reference approach to improving systems design indispensable.

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Object-Oriented Design By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon PDF
Object-Oriented Design By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon PDF

Object-Oriented Design By Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon
