The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

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The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

Free Ebook The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

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The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster

Talent means nothing when it comes to getting better. Practice is everything. But exactly what is good practice? How does good practice create talent?

The focus of this book is music practice, but these techniques and mindsets can be applied to any skill you want to improve. The Practice of Practice covers essential practice strategies and mindsets you won't find in any other book. You'll learn what research tells us about practice, but more importantly, you'll learn how great musicians in many genres of music think about practice, and you'll learn the strategies and techniques they use to improve.

This book will help you get better faster, whether you play rock, Bach, or any other kind of music. It will also help you be a more informed teacher or a more effective parent of a young learner. Don't practice longer, practice smarter.

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 6 hours and 33 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Sol Ut Press Release Date: November 4, 2015

Language: English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This was very informative. There are many ways of learning music, and that contribute to our musical knowledge which we might not be aware. In other words, learning an instrument, a technique or a musical piece is not just practice, practice, practice. For goodness sakes, there is much more to it, so don't beat yourself up.

The book is a comprehensive and inspirational treatment of the nature of learning and mastering music, sharing many examples of techniques and approaches of accomplished masters. It explains how the brain learns, and how the mind influences success. There are lots of extras, including web-based material for more inspiration and insights.It's a must read for anyone who is seriously pursuing learning to play a musical instrument (or voice), and worried about whether they're talented enough to master it, or frustrated by a lack of motivation to practice, or fearful of playing before an audience.It will transform the way I practice. Many of its key recommendations are strategies I have been using over the past dozen years learning to play the mandolin, including: playing with others often at meet-ups, jams, and music camps; listening to recorded performances; watching live music; performing frequently as possible; learning from masters; and using tools like iReal pro, garage band, amazing slow-downer, band-in-a-box, and guitar pro. The book affirms that my own approaches are indeed proven and useful practice techniques, motivates me to continue exploring and finding my own way, and provides lots of valuable guidance for making my formal practice time much more effective.I'm going to start using its strategies and approaches right now, and will often refer back to the Kindle version on my iPad for encouragement and guidance.

This is a great book no doubt about it. Having taken up the guitar at 50 I've been overwhelmed by the "what to" learn books, and underwhelmed by the "how to" learn books. Very frustrating!!! This is the best "how to learn" book I've found so far. Lots of great practice and thought provoking ideas. I loved it so much I bought a hardcover edition to replace my softcover copy (which I gave to my teacher). Recommended!

I had my wife buy this book for me. I started learning the guitar almost four months ago. I was and I am using a beginner guitar; beginner books for learning the guitar (including one that was accidently sold to me because it was intended only for those who were enrolled in the retailer’s classes); and free lessons on the internet. I had my wife buy the book because none of those sources addressed how to practice.This book does exactly that. I learned what practice is, its many components, its cognitive reason for being done. I started doing what is in the book and my progress learning the guitar just took off. I refer to it all the time when I want to improve something in my practice. When I improve that part of my practice, my progress takes off again.To put it another way -- this book is like a stick shift transmission in a car. It makes those other learning parts work.Earl “Buck” Hack

Jonathan Harnum has written a great exposition on the many facets of what it means to be a practicing musician. His ideas can apply to improving any skill. I particularly appreciate his explanation of the value of s-l-o-w practice. His book has inspired me to practice smarter, not harder, to receive a higher return on my considerable investment in practice time. As I seek to expand my skill set into as yet uncharted territories, I anticipate more efficient use of my time in gaining and mastering these new skills. A perfect companion and complement to Jonathan Harnum's book is Effortless Mastery, by Kenny Werner. Together, they present a complete picture of the way to achieve true mastery, not just over a musical instrument or, indeed over any specific individual discipline, but over oneself, which is the true mastery.

Great book covering the broader aspects of practice and reminding us that practice does not mean punishing ourselves.Get back to the inquisitive and experimental child experience. Be rewarded by not wasting your time on deflating activities.I have spent hundreds of hours working on my instrument in a non-musical way only to be surprised by my sounding non-musical. As soon as I started to listen and learn from the music that inspired me, the theory and technical side of playing was an exciting stepping stone this end goal of actually making expressive music.Highly recommended.

I am reading (for the second time) the audio book version of Jonathan Harnum's "The Practice of Practice". This is read by the author, and it is a very VERY good discussion of learning, particularly as applied to playing music, but with carry-over to any skill. The book links to a web site with an extensive collection of examples and studies, and I liked it so much that I also bought the paper version, so that I could see the illustrations and use the scannable links. I ENTHUSIASTICALLY recommend this book to all my music-making friends! I suggest the audio book version (Audible) because it has some rhythm demonstrations that are great, and because the author makes the whole topic chatty and approachable. (And I bet you get the paper version, too!)

I bought this book because I practice piano daily. This book gave me great insights into how to structure that. No typical self help cliches, just very original thoughtful and clear writing. It is also about much more than I ever expected. Its about how the brain works, why naps are important, and how to shape good practice. I have recommended or bought this for a number of people who don't play any instrument.

I agree with other reviewers regarding too much filler. Add to that too much name dropping and too many repeated anecdotes. If you distilled the actual practice methodology covered in the book, it would amount to short pamphlet.

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The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster PDF

The Practice of Practice: Get Better Faster
